Tuesday 22 November 2011

Light & Composition.

This blog will revise and re-explore these 2 topics from school's lecture and how they are applicable/ relevant in creating better artworks.


Key notes
- Refraction 
- Reflection
- Absorption
- Shadows
- Subsurface Scattering 
- Franel Effect
- Dynamic Occlusion
- Actuality VS Perception
- Color Relativity

Value - Light-dark
Saturation - Intensity
Hue - Color

Misc Notes
- Rabbit's vision are 180 degrees
- The eyes/ lens sees upside down, but inverted in the brain to orient it back to the rest of body.

3 example of artworks that uses principle's of light

Artwork from Killzone 2. The light from the gun's shows 2 things, subsurface scattering which happens on the muzzle itself and of course bouncing light which happens to the frontal area of the gun. The eyes of Helghast soldier clearly shows a good example of how intensity of the same hue results in the glowing eyes effect.

Artwork by Chase JC from Deviant Art. This picture is made up of mostly shapes and silhouettes which are similar to shadows, its interesting as they're all simply shadows of different values but are able to create such depth.

Artwork by Yaguete from Deviant Art. Similar to the example above, this picture is simply made of shadows with different values, but in this we clearly know the light source is from behind the colossus. 


Key Notes
- Divine Proportions
- Golden Section 1:1.618
- Rule of Thirds
- The L
- The Cross
- Iconic/ Diamond

Misc Notes
- Focal points
- Vary elements
- Odd elements
- Spacing
- No Kissing
- Domination
- Avoid Obvious
- Spice it up

3 examples of works that uses good principle of composition.

A scene from Once Upon A Time in The West. This compositions puts the main character, Harmonica, at the right top point of Rule of Third, it clearer had enough spacings, deliberate point of perspective and size isolation which all points out to his position as the focal point of this scene. Very subtle yet brilliantly pulled off by Sergio Leone, especially in this tense anticipation scene.

An artwork from God Of War. The Cross composition clearly shows in this picture; the opposing color temperature on Zeus (light on dark) to the ones on Kratos (dark on light) almost divides the painting into 2 section of top and bottom, yet, it still works as one great composition. 

This is a painting of Patrick Bateman from American Pyscho that I did recently on Photoshop. Consisting of the Iconic/ Diamond composition that works well with portraits especially the full frontal type such as this.

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